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Rashee's Friends

  • babylove221
  • ✿‿✿ L OvEy DaY ✿‿✿
  • Impossible Dream


  • 1.
    Lost Together (Armin Van Buuren Mashup)
  • 2.
    䘀甀琀甀爀攀 倀攀爀昀攀挀琀 ⠀刀甀戀攀渀 䐀攀 刀漀渀搀攀 刀攀洀椀砀⤀
  • 3.
    䄀猀 夀漀甀 圀攀爀攀 ⠀䈀攀渀 一椀挀欀礀 刀攀洀椀砀⤀
  • 4.
    䈀氀愀挀欀 䤀猀 吀栀攀 一攀眀 夀攀氀氀漀眀 ⠀伀爀椀最椀渀愀氀 䴀椀砀⤀
  • 5.
    圀攀 䰀漀瘀攀 䴀愀挀栀椀渀攀 ⠀䨀愀礀琀攀挀栀 刀攀洀椀砀⤀
  • 6.
    Till Tonight (Ferry Corsten Fix)
  • 7.
    䐀椀猀琀愀渀琀 䴀漀琀椀漀渀 ⠀䄀甀爀漀猀漀渀椀挀 刀攀洀椀砀⤀
  • 8.
    Monzen (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
  • 9.
    一漀琀 䜀漀椀渀最 䠀漀洀攀 ⠀䄀爀洀椀渀 瘀愀渀 䈀甀甀爀攀渀 刀攀洀椀砀⤀
  • 10.
    䨀愀渀攀椀爀漀 ⠀䐀愀猀栀 䈀攀爀氀椀渀 㐀 䄀䴀 䴀椀砀⤀

rashee's Page

Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 4:37am on January 29, 2012, Impossible Dream said…

♥ ••´  have   a   lovely   weekend   ••´ 




At 6:42am on January 2, 2012, Impossible Dream said…

At 12:37pm on December 20, 2011, Impossible Dream said…

Friendship with oneself is all important,
Because without it One
cannot be friends In the world
~Eleanor Roosevelt~

Much love and care
At 6:26am on October 24, 2010, Impossible Dream said…

Pixie, kobold, elf, and sprite,
All are on their rounds tonight;
In the wan moon's silver ray,
Thrives their helter-skelter play.
~Joel Benton~

Once in a young lifetime one should be allowed to have as much sweetness as one can possibly want and hold.

~Judith Olney~

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful season and fun time of the year dear friend!

Have a great weekend and thank you Rashee!
At 5:21pm on September 19, 2010, ManU FC said…

Good nght ...

At 7:19pm on August 31, 2010, Impossible Dream said…

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At 8:15am on August 29, 2010, Impossible Dream said…

Love and Happiness Sweetie~~♥
At 11:02am on July 31, 2010, Impossible Dream said…

Journey to God starts with one small step,
He doesn’t expect you to run the mile,
but he does promise to give you
the strength to go the distance.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend, Sweetie... xox
At 2:07pm on June 12, 2010, Impossible Dream said…


"Strawberries are the angels of the earth,
innocent and sweet with green leafy
wings reaching heavenward."

~Terri Guillemets ~


ღ Big Thanks for visit and a warm hello to you
my dearest friend Rashee.
Love and Blessings.

Nuch ღ
At 2:02am on April 6, 2010, babylove221 said…
I am cheerful, respectful, loving, caring, faithful and honest. I am looking for a gentleman who is determined, loves sports, nature and animals, who has a nice warm smile, is respectful, faithful and romantic. Let's go create our destiny,i came across your profile in this site and became interesting to have a good personal relationship with you. My name is miss jenifer Kamara and my email is (jeniferkamara23@yahoo.com). Please i would like you to contact me via my email address so that i can tell you more about myself.
Kisses jenifer

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