Hello my name is Loki ^^ I am 16 years old and a female. Loki doesnt alwasy have to be a guy name >.>
Anywasy I like to Read manga and watch anime and I LOVE to RP. If anyone wants to RP just come on down to my page and i'll RP ^^ I can draw good I guess. Well atleast thats what people tell me lol. Umm well there isnt much to say. I like Imeem alot T.T I'm sad they took it awau but this site is good too ^^ I am bipolar. So my moods change alot. I don't like it when people make fun of god. IT gets me mad. I get very bored alot >.> I talk to my self lol I even argue with myself, but everyone does that right? >.> Anyways add me people ^^ Im a laid back person I guess. I hate drama. I am not bisexual or lesbian. I am straight lol xD ummm well Oh I like poptarts! ^w^ I love to make friends I loooooove playing video games. I have an xbox but my brother is always playing on it so I can't play on it =.= Anyways that is all I am going to say for now. If you guys want to know anything just ask. (:

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