Stay with me.
Looking for something she's never seen, She searches for her heart in between;
Her heart from her home to the place she's in,
Looks like she never was, she's never been.
She found him and her heart beat still.
Love? Looks like this never will.
She found the friend, her enemy
He holds not trust, love nor honesty.
There's a thing he wants her to know;
She won't see him come; but definitely go.

There is no reason, just upon a whim.
He needs her much less than she needs him,
She can wish for the trasnparency,
The see through colour of honesty
A veil drops down, an obscure onyx,
Peace is found only in harmonics.
She hides her secrets in snuffs and bleaks
The things she finds she cannot speak.
I'll try to break the habit but I never will,
I found him, and my heart beats still.

Views: 12


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