imeem Comments

Myspace Comments & imeem Comments


weeh! hi hi hi! glad to meet everyone , former imeemer is here to bring the house all poppin' , hheheheh just joking ,
misheru san is here to have friends like you ^_^ if you have time to chit chat you have time to add me ~_^
how did I say music is my life ......I know you know why...... I say it because it relaxes me and making me crazy
to bring happiness to everyone .it's hard to explain but I know you know what I mean
I'm 14 years old^^ happy to be single angel to good and evil to bad I mean people's personality^^ better watch out for me.

likes: singing , dancing , drawing , play video games , play badminton , play volleyball , watching comedy/romance/action movies , loves anime , sky blue , yellow , violet ,black , lavender........

dislikes: hmmmm..... I will think that over first......

will continue it next time^^

Views: 28


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