WHY... iMUSIC is here!
December 8th, 2009 was a black day for many who enjoyed free-streaming music on the internet. On that day, millions of Imeem members found a favourite website was no longer. There have been many articles, news stories and bloggers trying to explain WHY it happened, (I wont go into that here) but that knowledge hasn't been a help to those who's (sometimes) only connection to the outside world with online friends and music gave such comfort. Since that fateful day, many have felt a loss.

Obviously there are much more important things to concern ourselves within the human existence, however 'free-streaming music' has been one of the handful of causes with which I have been involved and will continue to devote my time and effort. I am considered by some as a 'grizzled-veteran' in the fight (and it is a fight) for the availability to listen to our favourite music. We shouldn't have to suffer only a 30-second sample or worse, having to PAY to listen (which will eventually happen - MySpace and others are investigating having listeners 'pay-per-stream' in order to raise revenue for artists and operating costs). MY philosophy has always been... if I can test drive a €30,000 auto (like I can afford it) for free before I decide to purchase it, why should I have to listen to only 30 seconds of a song, or have to pay to listen, before I can download it and pay (again) iTunes to add it to my collection? Makes perfect sense to the record industry and corporate suits. Perhaps they believe I am just that deft?

Those of you who know me... know me as a sweetheart (and I am - see my halo? *ding*). However, the determination I find myself able to muster, at times, can make anyone step-back! This 'determination' has led me and a partner to create a fledgling website...
we call our baby...


It is very similar to the old Imeem, but remember we didn't have millions in start-up capitol nor investors... we have done this on our own and now need YOU to make it the best site we can. We aren't in this for the money (in part because there isn't any) but only for the sheer enjoyment of sharing music, videos and photos with our friends.

Membership is (of course) FREE and we have made available a plethora of fun things to do.

iMUSIC offers:

*uploading of songs, videos and photos

Music: grooveshark - mixpod - mp3Raid - free.napster

Photos: Flickr - Slide

Video: Youtube - Dailymotion

mp3Raid - Room mp3

*Playlist creations:
mixpod - grooveshark - free.napster

upload your own or embed from...
hulu - vimeo - Youtube - MySpace - metacafe - daily motion - Flickr
(anywhere that has 'embed' codes available)

*Embed outsourced 'widgets' from almost anywhere
(I use 'filefactory' for large files and albums)

*Create your own personalized page

*Create links to other sites

*RSS feeds

Links to: Firefox - Filefactory - Hotfile - Rapidshare

*Groups - Blogs - Forums - Chat - Fun site links

*Possibility of games and apps

*Share to:
facebook - twitter - MySpace

(clicking on the page 'tabs' will bring down a cascade menu for members to explore)

*Artists and Bands are welcome (but keep in mind that we are a 'start-up' group, so your time and effort will need to be weighed against gain)

Time will tell how successful we become, but it can't happen without YOU! A music lover's website - created and administered BY music lovers! We hope you can listen soon! Spasiba ~ Sig & Nan

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