This is a video advert for Earl Clifton Radio Halloween Roller Skate Party. This new Halloween record is just in time for the 2010 Halloween Season. Tracks include Boogie Man Jam, Coming to Getcha, Doctor Funk N' Metal, and Space Invaders. The EP also includes an edited version of the Boogie Man Jam without the long drone intro. Stay tuned for "The Spooky Old Woods" coming out this winter, a collection of Monster jams, camp fire ghost stories and scary poems, sci-fi and folk lore! See videos for each song to hear the complete song. Album on itunes

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Comment by εїз♪£övë♪εїз✿⊱╮ on October 30, 2010 at 10:00am

Comment by ۞♥iLOVEi♥۞ on October 30, 2010 at 6:17am

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