wildplum Hello I glide on for a few weeks I put pictures of various subjects such as animals and flowers and pictures of people I want to do each album individually and make categories for each album that is to add pages to my site's column only to live or to persons or flowers I want to add pieces Private mine such as songs I write I have a separate category of my own to thank you in advance if you can direct me or help me how I do all what is written here and how I do each album separately I will not salad pictures
Sincerely zlil

Sorry if my English Not very clear

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Hello Zlil  ... I believe that what you wish to do can readily be accomplished. I suggest you start by creating more albums of your various subjects.Those albums can then be added to a  discussion  or to a specialty page (I can help you at that stage). You can easily create more albums in your album area....click the [+add] button on the top right of your album page. From there you can search all pictures on the website and drag and drop any of them into your new album. I will be happy to help so don't hesitate to ask! ...Siggi

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