Asha is a Jungian Psychologist and well as globally acclaimed musician...and combines all skills in his works....

Field of stars (1994)

In a vision came love on a rainy night
Unsure of a home in a heart
Carried by some wiser magic
Called to the field of stars

Seven days in a boat on the river
Found in a shell by the shore
Ah look up through the rain
To the wavering spires
Called to the field of stars

Love met the son of thunder there
A man with the passion of Mars
Drawn by the storm to a holy place
Called to the field of stars

A sea-palace green and golden there
Such stormy mercurial skies
To each one that comes a gift so rare
A gift from the field of stars

Seven days in a boat on the river
Found in a shell by the shore
There's a wild and floating cathedral there
Will you come to the field of stars?

Tips for anxiety and panic
1. MANTRA... say your name over and over, quietly in an inner way; feel your feet on the ground and become conscious of them. Keep breathing and don't hold your breath. Breathe into any muscles that are tight or tense and relax them. Do this for a few minutes.

2. STONE... if outside, find a stone or pebble and hold it in your hand.Impregnate it with your energy. Feel it become warm; don't hold it too tight. If indoors, find a suitable small object (not sharp or jagged!) and do the same. You could try saying the mantra of your own name (above), as well.

3. 7-11 BREATH... breathe in to the count of 7, and breathe out to the count of 11. Do this several times, slowly and deeply, for a couple of minutes. By changing the ratio between oxygen and carbon dioxide in our bodies, we engage the parasympathetic nervous system and create an automatic relaxation response.

The inner smile
(Courtesy of modern-day Daoist master Mantak Chia. Daoist energy practices form the inner basis of all martial arts at the highest, spiritual level).

"Daoist sages say that when you smile, your organs release a honey-like secretion which nourishes the whole body. When you are angry, fearful or under stress, they produce a poisonous secretion which blocks up the energy channels."

The practice of the inner smile I share here is the way I actually use it to release tension and promote ease and well-being in my own body - for a much more detailed approach see my book "Transform Stress into Vitality" (by Mantak Chia).

1. Sit comfortably - ultimately, you can practice the inner smile anywhere, in any position.

2. Allow a smile to dance into your eyes. If you like, you can raise the corners of your mouth ever so slightly, like someone who knows a really cool secret but doesn't need to tell.

3. Smile into any part of your body that feels tight or uncomfortable, until it begins to ease or relax.

4. Smile into any part of your body that feels especially good. You can increase the smile by expressing gratitude to that part of your body for helping to keep you healthy and strong. Allow the inner smile to reach every corner of your body.

5. Smile into your life as well as your body. Try smiling and expressing gratitude into a relationship, an environment or a project you are currently working on, and notice how the energy around that situation begins to shift.

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