"Will i...ever be forgiven...?"

Name: Dantea
Age:15 - 500
Birthday: July 23th
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White/Silver
Skin: Peach
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 114lbs
Build: Athlete
Alias:Devil Hunter,Daughter of Sparda,Legendary Dark Knight

She has long White-ish Silver hair and is simply brushed down with some if her hair parted slightly with her bangs in front of her right eye from time to time,her outfit bares a red and black out look she ether wears a black corset nothing at all or a black strap across her breast under her red long coat which is partly cut in the middle and up around the waist line and in the back and the zipper waist up,black short shorts or red jeans with black leather strap(s) around her right and left leg(s) and low or high black boots under her coat sleeves she wears ether finger less black or brown gloves.

Dantea is incredibly flippant, mouthing off to even the most powerful of demons, and she generally enjoys rubbing people the wrong way. She does mature as time goes by, but never really loses her attitude. Dantea is seemingly unflappable, not showing fear whether she's being attacked by the Seven Hells in her office or being swallowed by a giant serpent demon.Dantea rarely shows any seriousness. She can be serious when the situation calls for it, but she still maintains a fairly laid-back demeanor during such situations and is never without a witty taunt or comeback. Dantea can seem at times to be uncaring or even callous, but actually has a very strong sense of justice and prefers to fight fairly. She can be counted on to do the right thing, even if she makes cynical quips about it the entire time. Unusually, while he has issues with her own demonic side, Dantea has little qualms about accepting demons who choose the side of good. Though Dante is quoted as believing that "Humans are often worse than demons" ,she refuses to kill full-blooded humans for any reason. Dantea values family and friends very highly. She cared deeply for her mother.

Dantea has a fondness for pizza, and while he complains about olives, he always ends up with them on his pizza. Her liking for pizza was added because the director believes that pizza is the "best food ever" and also shown to favor strawberry sundaes and she has a habit of getting roaring drunk whenever shes upset.

Dantea is an excellent swordsman-woman and melee specialist and seems to master any weapon she comes across within seconds of trying them. She's an even better marksman-women who can use two pistols at once to take down targets at all angles and even behind her and even perform impossible techniques like swinging a shotgun like nunchaku while shooting all enemies in the area. She tends to prefer using guns over swords and because of this, she appears to have a much knowledge in firearms since he customizes some of them to her own liking. Dantea is a capable hand-to-hand combatant and seems to know some martial arts. She is also an expert pilot and motorcyclist. Because of her demonic blood, Dantea has superhuman abilities which include:

❥Superhuman strength (enough to punch through stone and wield motorcycles as melee weapons)
❥Speed ranging from peak human to superhuman (she is capable of ninja-like teleports and dashes so fast that she appears to blur).
❥Lightning-speed reflexes
❥Superhuman agility
❥Ability to make high jumps.
❥Incredible durability that enables her to survive withstand powerful blows without visible injury and survive mortal wounds like a sword through the chest and even a bullet to the head. She also has near-instant regeneration which allows her to be healed from her injuries without spilled organs or major blood loss.

"Will i...ever be forgiven...?"
"They worship a demon as a god?"
"Time to go to work, guys!"
"Though a fight every now and then does make life a little more interesting, don't ya think?"

Ebony & Ivory


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