Nimue's Lament by Alkaemy from the CD Celtic Journey

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Comment by wildplum on April 25, 2010 at 8:45am
Alkaemy Publisher's Website: Earthtone Records

This is a curious project: a soundtrack album entitled The Merlin Mystery released for a book with the same name. The music is composed by Julia Taylor-Stanley, Ian Lynn and Miriam Stockley (who is the lead singer for Adiemus). The album contains moody music featuring ethereal female vocals and the occasional drumming. The book is a puzzle book in which a successful reader could win a prize. Julia Taylor-Stanley used the text and illustrations in the book as inspiration for each of the fourteen tracks. Although there is synthesiser work, the rich musical tapestry is provided by The Merlin Philharmonic Orchestra as well as traditional instruments with sisters, Shelagh and Sheryle Gwynfar providing the main vocals and the author of the book, Jonathan Gunson, providing narration. Too often such 'soundtracks' are provided as an afterthought -- but this album is a wonderful addition and can be enjoyed without any need for the actual book. The soundtrack is available separately from Earthtone Records and was released in 1998.
Comment by Siggi on April 25, 2010 at 4:54am
Somewhere in the darkest night
Peace will come, as the spirit flies
As you weave a spell by another name
Snow falls whith the summer rain

Then I will come to you my love
Whith the passing of the days
And I will set you free each time
Your heart is bound in chains
Innocents and wiser men
Will somehow be the same
And you and I
Will take our place in time
We'll find a way to fly

Far beyond the crystal sea
I can hear all your whispered dreams
And the endless signs of the ones who love
They live on in the stars above

Then I will come to you my love
Whith the passing of the days
And I will set you free each time
Your heart is bound in chains
Innocents and wiser men
Are just one and the same
And you and I
Will take our place in time
We'll find a way to fly

I will come to you my love
Whith the passing of the days
I will set you free each time
Your heart is bound in chains
Innocents and wiser men
Are all who will remain
And you and I
Will take our place in time
We'll find a way to fly

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