Alone in Different World - Emotional Music Insects Touch

Our world is populated by a seemingly endless number of Lebwesen. Finally, we people dwelling in abundance this earth and do it with our ingenuity in the umw...

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Comment by Swëët♥ԼƠƔЄ♥ on July 6, 2011 at 1:25pm
Our world is populated by a seemingly endless number of Lebwesen. Finally, we people dwelling in abundance this earth and do it with our ingenuity in the umwirklichsten regions of this planet to live. But the real rulers of this planet are different: insects. Dwelling insects from around the world since time immemorial this planet, and now constitute over 80%, the largest group of known animals. About a million different insect species are known and it is thought that millions more have been unknown among us. Insects are among the class of the Arthropoda. The insects inhabit this earth with the exception of the oceans almost all habitats. The greatest biodiversity exists here in the tropics. However, extreme climatic conditions that prevail in the Polargebietern keep insect does not occur. Thus, a specially adapted Zuckmückenart in Antarctica home. Insects have very different constitutions. Thus, there are highly specialized species that inhabit only certain areas, but also true cosmopolitans who have found a home world. By man managed some species to disperse across the globe.

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