Ash Koley - Don't Let Your Feet Touch Ground

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Comment by wildplum on October 12, 2010 at 6:53pm

Ash Koley Bio

Don't be fooled by the eponymous nature of the name. Ash Koley is a band comprised of two people: Ash Koley and Phil Deschambault. Phil concedes his name isn't as catchy, and Ash is narcissistic enough to agree to have the band named after herself.

Their sound is an amalgamation of diverse influences, their songs sketch together diverse melodies and lyrics, drawing on cross-generational influences from Abba to the Eurythmics, and from Peter Gabriel to Radiohead. The result is a band that is a full embodiment of what they each bring to the duo – quirky charm, and upbeat classic pop music.

The two self proclaimed nerds from Winnipeg were introduced in 2004, and soon after began their musical collaboration. Phil, an established songwriter, was looking for a singer who could relate to his sound. A mutual acquaintance brought Ash to the studio, and after Phil heard her velvety voice, he had Ash record a song as a test. To Phil’s happy surprise, she nailed it in one take and they took to work immediately.

Through 2009 and early 2010 the band released four EPs: White, Black, Red and Blue. The recently released single “Don’t Let Your Feet Touch Ground” has become their launch pad into what will be the busiest summer for the band yet, as they set to make their touring debut with Lilith Fair.
Comment by ۞♥iLOVEi♥۞ on October 12, 2010 at 11:32am
..fantastic, love it thnx Siggi.

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