||| Emotional Music Hope Touch - Faith in People |||

So many times in life, we miss out on opportunities to find people who can support us in what we want to do because we're too scared to let them know. Whethe...

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Comment by Swëët♥ԼƠƔЄ♥ on April 13, 2012 at 9:44pm

So many times in life, we miss out on opportunities to find people who can support us in what we want to do because we're too scared to let them know. Whether it be through fear of ridicule or anger, we just don't want to make an effort to share what's really important to us. Opening up like that is hard.

I know that there have been times in my life where I've been faced with a situation where I just KNEW I was supposed to tell someone about something I was planning on doing, but was hesitant to be open with them. Every time I've fought the fear and did it anyway, it worked out for the best. I've found support and encouragement, and even some concrete assistance in what I've wanted to accomplish.

Have faith in people. Trust that the vast majority of folks around you care about you and want you to do what is best for YOU. If you find some that don't have your best interests at heart, just ignore them and move on. But the vast majority of times, you find people dying to share in your Story and willing to do whatever they can to make it better.

Hope is paradoxical. It is neither passive waiting nor unrealistic forcing events that may not exist. It is like a tiger ready to attack, which will jump only when the time comes.
The happiness of man consists of many things ....
.... for some it is faith in the people, for others, love, for some religion, marriage or the priesthood. Each of us sees it otherwise, it's important to feel happy and give them another.

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