||| Emotional Music World Touch - The World Cries |||

We know that the cause of cleavages between races and nations is the heresy of separativeness. Solutions can be reached by changing values. Separateness and ...

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Comment by Swëët♥ԼƠƔЄ♥ on January 21, 2012 at 8:46pm

We know that the cause of cleavages between races and nations is the heresy of separativeness. Solutions can be reached by changing values. Separateness and selfishness, based on a lack of vision and understanding, must be transcended by the sacrifice of selfishness, which will release new values into relations between countries and races. It will encourage sharing and prosperity for all humanity. The progressive development of desirable spiritual values will happen as a result of the increasing consciousness of humanity. This means that we cannot look only for own salvation and our own materialistic survival. This means that while each racial group fights for its own self-interest there cannot be a new world order based on correct human relations, unity and freedom. What is good for the group is good for each of us.

In fact, survival on Earth has always been based on militarism and exploitation of minorities. A different reality can be built by a radical change of human heart, by loving humanity as a whole and with the sense of the oneness of life. The changing values include the practice of right thoughts, worlds and deeds, looking for unity-in-diversity, and values of inclusiveness and integrity. These are qualities of the soul.

The recognition of the energy of goodwill will transcend the chronic and deep cleavages between people and nations—this is the energy of love in action. This means the fusion of the individual with the whole, without loosing the sense of individuality. This means that our main task is to work for unity, synthesis and mutual cooperation.

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