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Comment by wildplum on April 25, 2010 at 8:46am
Enam Publisher's Website: Oreade Music

Coming across as heavily-inspired by Enya and Clannad (and occasionally feeling like a direct copy of them), the debut album m'Anchelii by Enam has one thing that differentiates it: the singer is a man! However, the swathes of multi-layered, non-lyrical alto-style vocals create a very warm, relaxing atmosphere and don't sound vastly different from any other artists listed in this category. As with Enya some tracks are completely instrumental, featuring piano and sparse synths. The majority of the songs feature beautiful themes, as on Socata Del Siero and Way Down the Hills, backed by rather simplistic and lightweight arrangements. Unfortunately, despite the occasional use of more exotic instruments and sounds, the music never dares to stray into uncharted territory -- leaving one with a sense of d�j�-vu and the fact that the album has little to differentiate it from the artists to which it's being compared.

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