Escape the Monotony of Everyday LIFE - Emotional Music Monotony Touch

How do you escape the monotony of everyday life? ? ? Are you so tired of living each day of your life just doing the same old thing, you always feel like the...

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Comment by Swëët♥ԼƠƔЄ♥ on May 27, 2011 at 7:28am
How do you escape the monotony of everyday life? ? ?
Are you so tired of living each day of your life just doing the same old thing, you always feel like there is so much more for you to do in life but you can't seem to get to it. How does anyone get away from this? Are we as humans stuck like this, our lives full of nothing but a daily routine? and you just wondering if anyone else feels this way. Sometimes you forget what a gift in itself life is, you need to stop mopoing and get to doing the things you like...

One monotonous day is followed
by another monotonous, identical day. The same
things will happen, they will happen again --
the same moments find us and leave us.

A month passes and ushers in another month.
One easily guesses the coming events;
they are the boring ones of yesterday.
And the morrow ends up not resembling a morrow anymore.

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