Hallucinations When You Got Drunk - Emotional Chill Out Music Touch

Alcohol is a neurotoxin that affects the brain in a complex manner through prolonged exposure and repeated withdrawal.
Sound Recording owned by Café del Mar - music: Toni Simonen - Terrace

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Comment by wildplum on May 17, 2011 at 7:24am
Funny video!!
Comment by Swëët♥ԼƠƔЄ♥ on February 17, 2011 at 5:58pm
Alcohol is a neurotoxin that affects the brain in a complex manner through prolonged exposure and repeated withdrawal. Alcohol-related psychosis, including in many cases hallucinations, is often an indication of chronic alcoholism. Hallucinations when you got drunk It can, usually only at high levels of intoxication or during withdrawal, and usually in cases of advanced alcoholism. True hallucinations, although they may appear visual, occur only in the brain. They only seem to be happening outside the body. The blurring of eyesight and other visual aberrations that come with high levels of intoxication are not hallucinations. They are caused by the brain's inability to control the muscles that focus the eyes, and sometimes by its inability to correctly process the visual information.

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