From 2 years of break, PSY is finally coming back with his 6th album 'PSY6甲'!
The album's weighty title song 'Gangnam Style' is composed solely by PSY himself from lyrics to choreography. The song is characterized by its strongly addictive beats and lyrics, and is thus certain to penetrate the foundations of modern philosophy.

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Comment by ۞♥iLOVEi♥۞ on October 13, 2012 at 11:16pm

Meaning of Oppa Gangnam Style: "Gangnam Style" is a Korean neologism that refers to a lifestyle associated with the Gangnam district[14] of Seoul,[15] where people are trendy, hip and exude a certain supposed "class". The term was listed in Time's weekly vocabulary list as a manner associated with lavish lifestyles in Seoul's Gangnam district.[16] Psy likened the Gangnam District to Beverly Hills, California, and said in an interview that he intended a twisted sense of humor by claiming himself to be "Gangnam Style" when everything about the song, dance, looks, and the music video is far from being such a high class.[17] People who are actually from Gangnam never proclaim that they are—it's only the posers and wannabes that put on these airs and say that they are "Gangnam Style" — so this song is actually poking fun at those kinds of people who are trying so hard to be something that they're not. —Psy[18]

The song talks about "the perfect girlfriend who knows when to be refined and when to get wild."[19] The song's refrain "오빤 강남 스타일 (Oppan Gangnam style)" has been translated as "Big brother is Gangnam style", with Psy referring to himself;[20][21] "Oppa" is a Korean expression used by females to refer to an older male friend or older brother.[22] I got that explanation from wikipedia :)

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