The Media: Reality or Just an Illusion? - Emotional Music Illusion Touch

The media is censoring human ideals, affecting human intelligence, and is twisting the truth. A lot of people who have potential in this world are being ruined by media manipulation. The selling of drugs, cigarettes and alcohol (through the television) are making innocent people's lives a living hell. I don't want to be a complacent, brainwashed ordinary person. I want to be thinking, unique person free from impurities like all those mentioned above. This world is killing us already, I don't want to help it kill me. Personally, I don't trust the news very much, finding that it's shockingly a one-sided view of things and has the power to make or break someone, and that kind of influence isn't right. I'm not denying the existence of educational programs, but there is a huge shortage of these, and people generally aren't interested in learning (which is very unfortunate). Plus, the public isn't exposed to what really should be taught...the things that the government doesn't want us to hear.

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