World of Dangerous Gangs - Emotional Music Hard Touch

It's more a neighborhood issue than a school issue. Visual Content owned by Ministry of Sound UK (MVR) Music: Example - Kickstarts

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Comment by Swëët♥ԼƠƔЄ♥ on February 20, 2011 at 9:04am
It's more a neighborhood issue than a school issue. Is there any real soultion to dealing with this? The police? schools? family? To be honest I reckon the real solution lies with community. People not tolerating the crime, having access to better jobs, business and education. Children and young people face all sorts of pressures and it may be that your child is feeling pressure to follow friends who are in a gang. You can help your child make the right choice. By recognising the signs and seeking help, you could make a positive step towards changing the course of your child's life. If you're in a gang, it's more than likely you will leave it at some point in your life. Although the bonds you've formed may stay in place, undoubtedly they will grow weaker as time goes on. Gangs are not always bad or involved in criminal activities and being in a gang can just mean hanging around with the same group of friends. 
Hanging around with your mates can make you feel safe, as you can all look out for each other.

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