As I arrived in the field, an astonishing view was waiting for me to see. Everywhere all I could see was a community of blue flowers, dancing in synchronisation with the warm summer wind. It was peaceful, calm. It almost felt like I’ve entered a secret society or world. As I walk down the path that was leading into further in the field, I listened for the whispers of the flowers, communicating through the wind. It sounded a lot like they were gossiping about something or someone. It is then it caught my attention. There, surrounded by this huge society, was a yellow tulip, all alone, stranger to this world. Although it was different from everyone else, it stood tall, not ashamed of this detail. It was special and innocent; I had a feeling that it knew about the strangeness in its look and yet it lived normally, like this one thing didn’t bother it, like it doesn’t exist. But doesn’t it feel lonely, here, in the middle of a surrounding that was different? I would. “This is one courageous and special being” I thought to myself while smiling softly. It made me realize how there can always be differences in this world. We all have the right to be unique.

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